This is Easter Sunday. Friends, allow me to break from my flow of ideas in the posts, and share with you some thoughts about Easter.
How is the resurrection of Jesus mean to you and me if it is real?
I think the most direct implication is that death is not the end of life. If Jesus really rose from the dead, then it may be possible that me and the people around me can too!
My father and my brother-in-law left the world about two years ago. My dear eldest sister was diagnosed with cancer last year. If death is not the end of life, then I can see them again in the future. Death will be unable to separate me and the people I love.
Does resurrection only have meaning to people when it comes to life and death?
I watched a movie on a cruise ship yesterday. It is one of the many movies that portrays the almighty to be unconcern about human happiness and is ready to sacrifice every living thing on Earth to fulfill his comic plan. But what I want to share with you is not that the Almighty is not cruel. Instead, I want to tell you that His plan is much simpler than the stories in the movies. It is just this:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
The connection between the Almighty and people is His love.
When I think about the incredible amount of extremely organized information buried in each one of our cells, the amazing logic which we call the natural laws that dictate the behavior of the microscopic as well as the cosmic, the beauty of Mathematical truths that exist ever since logic exists (and when did it come to existence?), I find it impossible to deny the existence of the Creator.
Yet the Creator is not far from us, for He creates us. If He creates us, He knows our deepest desire, our hope, our disappointment, our past, and our future (by the way, I believe He gives freewill to humans).
So why don’t we go searching for Him? Perhaps He can bring satisfaction to our lives that we can never imagine.
Happy Easter!

Good post! Why do you think Jesus stands out so much amongst the other religions?