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Pastor Yung


I was helped by a few people during my search of the Christian God. One of them was the pastor of a small church at Tsz Wan Shan where I lived through teenage, Pastor Yung.

Pastor Yung was one of the few people who studied at the University of Hong Kong. His major was Biology. It was very difficult to get into university at the time when he was young. However, he dropped out of the university and went into seminary to study theology. Why? He believed what he was taught at the university was simply wrong.

Some of the arguments that I heard from Pastor Yung in support of the Christian God were particularly impressive to me. Pastor Yung marveled at the wonders of creation, and it was convincing to him that creation pointed clearly to the Creator. One of the examples was the eggshell. Though it seemed fragile to us, it was strong enough to provide protection while soft enough to let the tiny bird to break through when the bird was ready. The shell allowed air to go inside so the little bird can breathe, but it did not let water to escape outside and dried out the inside.

I believed people holding on to the theory of Evolution could somehow explain it. However, was it just more “natural” to see that there was a designer behind? Without a prejudice against Creation, I did not see how the theory of Evolution explain the fact better.

Another argument from Pastor Yung that impressed me was the return of the nation of Israel in 1948. He said his history teacher accepted the Christian faith because of this miracle. It was unimaginable for a nation to keep its identity as a nation after two thousand years of exile. On top of that, the fact that Israel survived and won the wars with the hostile Arab neighbors right after its declaration of independence was rather surprising. Yet, to a certain extent, it matched with what the bible said about Israel.

I understood that we could totally explain known historical facts from sociological arguments. However, could we explain how the bible made the prediction about Israel that matched the surprising fact of the return of the nation of Israel? The prediction was made 2000 years before the historical fact!



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