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After going to church for about a year and a half, thinking, asking, reading, and did whatever I could to understand the Creator in the Bible, I was convinced that believing in the Biblical God was reasonable. I felt comfortable to tell everyone around me that I believed in the existence of the God as described in the Bible.

As discussed previously, I did not take personal experience seriously as a convincing prove of the God in the Bible. However, there were testimonies that described how the Biblical God helped overcome addiction that the addicts could not find anywhere.

Did I have personal experience when I committed myself to the Biblical God?

I remembered that when I prayed to God, telling Him that I received Him as my personal Savior and Lord, I did have an experience which never came back to me again. It was an overwhelming feeling of “order”. It seemed to me that at that moment, nothing was chaotic anymore. Everything was in the order it was supposed to be in.

I wondered if that was some kind of psychological effect, something perfectly explainable without any supernatural cause. It would not diminish my belief in the Biblical God if I could find an entirely materialistic way to explain that feeling. However, I never experience that feeling again, even if I tried. Furthermore, I did not find a good naturalistic explanation for that overwhelming feeling so far. I incline to believe that it came from the supernatural God. Different people can feel differently when they accept Jesus as their savior. Some people did not feel anything after their first prayer, and that does not mean that they are not sincere. God will lead us all.

Pray to God, if you would, to commit yourself to Him. You would never regret this decision. How? Mine was very simple and went like the following:

“Dear God, the Creator of the Universe and me, I humbly accept you as my savior and Lord. I am a sinner, and I believe that Jesus’ death on the cross rescue me. Please lead me and help me understand you and experience you more every day. In Jesus name. Amen”.

Friends, this post concludes the summary of my teenage search of the Creator in the Bible. Starting from the next post, I will share my current thoughts about God in the Bible.



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