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Because He lives!


I think we have compelling reasons to believe that Jesus did rise from the dead.

Friends, isn’t it amazing that we have been talking about the resurrection of Jesus for the last sixteen posts? But one question remains:

How is it related to us even if Jesus did resurrect?

I think the song “Because He lives” gives us some good reasons to be glad about Jesus’ resurrection if that is true. Just to quote a few lines from the beginning:

God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus;

He came to love, heal and forgive;

He lived and died to buy my pardon,

An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,

Because He lives, all fear is gone,

Because I know He holds the future,

And life is worth the living,

Just because He lives!

The Bible tells us that Jesus’ death pay our penalty for sin, as we mentioned in one of our very early posts. Jesus resurrected from death. The result is not just an empty tomb, but also that all our “fear is gone”.

What kind of fear is gone with Jesus’ resurrection? I think one particular fear is clearly overcome – the fear of death. If we believe that Jesus resurrected, then death is no longer the final destiny of humans.

Friends, allow me to make a quick summary of our posts so far. Our first post mentions that there are three aspects that I would like to write about: why I believed in Jesus when I was a teenager, why I still believe in Him today, and why I think I will commit to this belief till the end of my days.

The first part about my struggle to believe in Jesus is now in a digital book format. I would greatly appreciate it if my readers of the blog can check it out and give me comments.

I am currently writing on the second part that tells why I still believe in Him today. The first post in this part is “Realities and Physics”. We have four posts to discuss what we mean by the “truth” of realities. Then we have eight posts to discuss the cosmological argument beginning with “Why something rather than nothing”. Next, we turn to materialism starting with the post “Materialism”. It consists of eighteen posts in all. The Bible was our next topics that starts with “What is the Bible”, and it takes nine posts. Following the topic of the Bible, we discussed in three posts about Jesus in history beginning with “Who is Jesus”. Our latest topic on resurrection starts with “What is the Resurrection” and as we mentioned above it has sixteen posts.

The coming few posts make up probably the last topic for this second section of my blog: The Problem of Evil.



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